Experience is crucial

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Experience is crucial



I recently attended a PMI event on the age-old issue of what distinguishes one project from another in terms of success. The conversation began by expressing the undeniable need to zero in on the 5 W’s, yet additionally the significance of ‘how’ things are finished. The majority of the discussion was philosophical, with each of us being asked to consider the differences.

While checklists and “best practices” are helpful, I believe that the team’s application and foresight in applying a tool or method determines success. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. Although assistance from other sources is beneficial, the ability to apply knowledge and experience is what brings everything together.

It is said that 10,000 hours of experience in a field are required to become an “expert,” and the more diverse your background and experience, the more scenarios you have encountered. We must be magnets for other people’s knowledge because we are armed with our own experiences. It is very important to know how to learn, where to look for answers, and which aspects of ourselves need improvement. In this regard, I believe formal education aids in the development of resourcefulness. It is difficult to constantly know every one of the responses. What really matters is being able to find the answers and make decisions quickly based on the information at hand. Those who achieve great results stand out from those who achieve mediocre or only satisfactory results because they are aware of a better way and strive for continuous improvement in everything they do.

The following are a few hints I suggest for setting yourself, and your undertakings separated from your companions:

Find a better way to do everything and cultivate an inquisitive nature.
Try and Develop – The more we do, the more we learn.
Self-Reflection: Pay attention to what happens right now and reflect on it.
Create a “Watch-List” of High Performers: Choose a group of people you admire and admire, and pay attention to their actions and characteristics.
Research High Performing Associations – Exploration effective associations and the variables prompting their prosperity.
Knowledge work requires us to constantly anticipate events, continuously improve ourselves through learning, and apply our learned lessons to everything we do. The more projects we’ve worked on, the more situations we’ve encountered. We are able to recognize and anticipate events that people with less experience may not have encountered yet because of this exposure.

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