Color pencils on dark wooden background

Craftsmanship – For All to Appreciate

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Craftsmanship – For All to Appreciate




I think that people in the arts sometimes take themselves way too seriously and think too highly of themselves. With God’s guidance and assistance, we can accomplish great things, and we are creating something. always with his assistance. Some of us deny the existence of God, others hold the belief that we are more intelligent than God, and still others assert that we created God rather than the other way around. Whatever, in any case.

What’s more, indeed, the world is a superior spot due to craftsmanship. Yet, that doesn’t mean everybody will like what we do, what we maintain to be ‘workmanship’. We shouldn’t expect everyone to applaud our efforts, though. Because it is different, because it challenges industry norms, or because it in some way boggles the mind, a lot of crap gets passed off as art. However, there should always be a standard and form and substance. If not, it is nothing more than a lifeless mess and not art, regardless of the medium.

What’s more, it absolutely implies that we are worse than any other individual since we are creatively disposed. It just means that we see things in a different way, and being different isn’t necessarily bad or good; it’s just different.

On the off chance that individuals who call themselves craftsmen wish to be acknowledged and regarded for what their identity is and what they produce, then they should lower themselves and think like the normal resident. because each of us absolutely requires the other.

If this isn’t the case, then an artist is nothing more than an aristocratic snob, and who cares?

I’m not trying to offend anyone here; rather, I frequently have conversations with people who are interested in the arts. When certain names are mentioned, it almost seems as though I’m not on their level, as if it were meant to lend credence to their story. Which is hilarious and childish due to the fact that each of us came to do what we do in different ways.

Like everything else in life, art is subject to personal opinion.

I might come off as naive and narrow-minded to anyone who reads this.

I truly do know I honestly hate dynamic workmanship, nor demise metal music, and I’m not into the expressive dance. But that doesn’t mean I can’t occasionally go to a show and enjoy what I see on stage.

However, that is only my humble opinion.

Everyone is allowed to enjoy art. Not merely a few. Additionally, knowing about art does not make one smarter than another.

Art, in all of its guises, is for the people, as is fashion.

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