A Letter of Love

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A Letter of Love



May we recognize the Divine Love’s presence, from my heart to yours.

May we realize that we are one.

Dear One, is there a friend or family member in your life whom you find difficult to love?

It’s possible that this individual has mistreated you in the past or even abused or bullied you.

At the point when you ponder this individual, love isn’t what you feel. Anger, rage, or even hatred may come over you. You might also experience strong, uncomfortable emotions.

What keeps you stuck in these past emotions?

How might you deliver them and move into a space of affection?

All things considered, when you feel these sentiments, the other individual isn’t feeling them.

YOU are being entangled in the shackles of past hurts and feelings.

Recently, one of my mother’s sisters passed away. Even though I’ve known for a very long time that she badly hurt me as a child, I didn’t want to talk about how I felt about her. I’ve just avoided her for decades instead.

Presently, she’s in soul and I find that I can’t recall even one kind or liberal thing that she accomplished for me or any other person. Instead of love, my heart is full of pain.

This lady was a domineering jerk. I clearly recall her harassing her husband. Honey, fall down and die!” She would say to this kind-hearted person.

She tormented her oldest child into accepting he was idiotic, despite the fact that he was of normal insight. Can you imagine the impact that this had on his life?

She harassed her little girl into turning into a chain smoker.

She harassed her two different children until one of them moved 3,000 miles away to feel liberated from her.

Despite the fact that I wasn’t her own child, she bullied me as well.

She was awful to me each time she came to visit us or her family. When she came to our house, I used to hide in my bedroom until my mother would drag me out to greet her and her family.

As a result, she is now in spirit, and I struggle to forgive her so that I am no longer weighed down by my emotions.

At first, I became mean because my ego took over.

In the spirit world, I began imagining her Life Review.

I said to her in spirit, “Well, well.” At last you will at long last figure out the amount you have harmed others. You will share their suffering. Good. Much needed!

These considerations conveyed no sympathy by any means.

Noticing myself acting along these lines, not entirely set in stone to roll out an improvement by they way I felt. But how could I proceed?

When I discover that I am unable to feel love for another person, I am aware that both the issue and the limitation are my own.

Nothing will change if I just place the blame on the other person.

I will eventually become free if I acknowledge my feelings, ask for higher guidance to heal myself, and forgive myself for having this person in my life.

I’m ready to move forward and make those changes when I remember that I have to change.

I recalled that those who bully and abuse others have also been bullied and abused as children.

They are IN Torment!

Children acquire life experiences.

Children who are bullied and abused frequently become bullies and abusers themselves, particularly as adults.

Children feel and look even smaller when they are bullied. Their situation frequently gives them the impression that they are powerless.

They rationalize that it is their turn to wield the power when they grow up and become physically larger and more powerful.

When they abuse others, some of them actually enter a trance state, the same trance state they used to escape when they were younger.

I completely changed when I recalled these things and asked my I Am Presence to assist me in letting go of my negative feelings about my aunt.

In somewhere around 24 hours, I could contemplate her and feel sympathy. I could share with myself, “She probably been in awful agony for her entire life to treat others so gravely, particularly her loved ones the most: her children and husband.”

I presently feel liberated from my old feelings of hatred towards my auntie, and I hope everything works out for her.

I will be able to love everyone when I am completely free of all my old, complicated emotional patterns.

According to some masters, this is the most profound spiritual practice:

Love all people.

To “Love Everybody” I should figure out how to adore myself completely, without judgment or limit, without culpability or regret.

At the point when I moved my viewpoint, I became ready to consider this example to be a gift from my left auntie.

It permitted me to have absolution and affection toward her.

This is therefore my love letter.

This Love Letter is addressed to both myself and my deceased aunt.

I’m likewise sending Adoration to you and every other person actually tracking down their direction through the wildernesses of Third Layered Thickness.

At the end of the Path, there IS Light.

Furthermore, above all,

there is Love up and down the Way.


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