When I Get What I Want

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When I Get What I Want




Over the years, I have had a particular dream numerous times. Obviously, if it doesn’t happen, it could end up being a nightmare.

That particular day in the week; Everything can proceed in my favor. The fact that I am never told which day everything will go my way is the part of that dream that makes it a nightmare.

To see if she could offer any guidance, I told the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage about my dream one morning.

My wife asked, “Don’t you remember that day was three years ago?” That day when everything goes your way was already here.

She would not get any more specific than that. She would never specify which day everything went my way. Regarding everything, I have a slight suspicion. I would certainly have remembered a day when everything went my way.

So, I’ve been trying to imagine what today would be like if everything went my way for the past week. I thought of a lot of different scenarios, but none of them worked out for me.

I appeared to be gazing into space last night as we watched television. “You’re not thinking about a day when everything goes your way, are you?” my wife inquired.

I replied, “No, I’m just thinking about a joke,” and smiled.

“Okay, what kind of prank were you trying to play?”

I asked, “Why was 6 afraid of 7?” without pause. Because “7, 8 and 9.”

“Are you going to ever forget that joke?” We both laughed as well.

Naturally, I believe she was aware that I was not making a joke. I was imagining the day if everything went according to plan. I simply could not shake it from my mind.

Every time my wife asked me a question that day, it would be one of the first things that I would remember; I would comprehend the inquiry and provide her with a satisfactory response.

I will occasionally respond to her, and she seems pleased with the response. But never two consecutively. What would my day be like if, each time my wife asked me a question, I responded in accordance with her requirements?

That would undoubtedly be a terrifying day, especially for her.

Another thought came to mind as I was thinking about this. What would my day look like if I could finish everything on my “To-Do” list and still have time for other things, like having fun?

I laughed when I thought about that because I have never experienced a day quite like that. Usually, I think about what I didn’t get done that day at the end of a day. That’s how I spend my day.

“What would a day look like for you if you never thought of an Apple fritter?” asked the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, who was aware that I was considering this topic.

That’s the only way she could have thought of it. That would be a terrible day, in my opinion. So, that has been removed.

I was distracted by a different idea. If I could anticipate and respond to every question posed by the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, what would a typical day look like?

If I stopped and bought my wife a present before returning home, how would my day look like? a present that, whenever I presented it to her, she would chuckle and say, “I was just thinking about going and getting this for me.” How did you feel about this?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that if I had a lot of days where everything went my way, my life would become rather boring. Life’s most exciting and difficult experiences come from the unexpected.

I would become so bored that I would not know what to do if I could plan everything out and carry it out.

When I thought about this, I wondered how the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage ever managed to accomplish this on a daily basis.

What would our home look like if we both got what we wanted every day? How could we distinguish ourselves?

Perhaps I could deal with one day when everything turns out well for me, yet I surely don’t maintain that consistently should be very much like that.

My wife asked me why I was smiling as I was thinking about this. “I’ve concluded that I don’t want every day to go my way,” I finally admitted. That would be so uninteresting.

She said with a serious tone, “You know, I think you’ve got something there.”

As a result, there are two sections to our house.

The one section is my wife, who is happy and everything goes her way.

The other section is about me, where things don’t go as planned but my wife is happy.

I can hardly imagine how I found the recipe for the two of us being cheerful under a similar rooftop. How come I didn’t realize this sooner?

I couldn’t help but recall one of my favorite verses from the Bible. Can two people walk together unless they agree? Amos 3:3).

My wife and I are in complete agreement on this.

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