Someone is in trouble, knock, knock

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Someone is in trouble, knock, knock



Over the past few weeks, we have had a lot of people come to our door for some reason. Whether this is a general trend or just our door, I’m unsure.

Salespeople, religious leaders, con artists, and a wide range of other people have been among them. They only wanted our money, and that was their only objective.

I guess I haven’t noticed how much money I have. Everyone is after my cash. They would flee from our home if they only knew how little money I had. I’m not even sure where my money is, so I can’t get it.

I will celebrate 50 years of marriage to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage this year. Although she has not located any of it over the past fifty years, I believe my wife married me for my money. We will need to reevaluate the situation after I give her another 50 years. We will take a vacation to Hawaii when she finds it.

money that we do not have, and the more they try to get our money from us, the more frustrated we become. We have a lot of frustration and are happy to give it to them if they want it.

Because we don’t have much, my wife and I are very frugal with our money. However, the money we do have will remain in our account and not be given to anyone who wants to sell us an extended warranty policy for our vehicle. I have something I want to offer them every time they call about that, and it is not money.

You always have the option of hanging up or not answering a phone call. You don’t have that kind of choice when someone knocks on your door. You have no idea who is there or what they’re looking for.

It could be someone looking for a house to rob in the neighborhood.

My wife has texted everyone on the street to let them know that someone is coming to knock on our door almost immediately after the door is closed because she knows everyone in the neighborhood. When a neighborhood works together, it’s great.

I happened to answer when two Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on our door once.

They gave a brief introduction, and then I introduced myself as a pastor and began delivering a sermon right at the front door. I have 100 prepared sermons in my head. They tried to interrupt me as I continued to preach, but you can never interrupt a preacher.

They turned around and walked away with the quickest pace I’ve ever witnessed before I finished my sermon. They did, after all, arrive at my door.

Then, a number of men tried to enter and show us how solar power could save us a lot of money.

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage answered the door for them, which was good news for us. You really haven’t gotten up this morning and had your coffee if you think you can get into our house without passing her.

It was getting awful a few weeks ago. Almost every day, someone knocked on the door. In most cases, I answer the phone and she opens the door.

I could see that she was becoming increasingly enraged, and I completely understood why.

She had just finished making our lunch, so we immediately sat down and started eating it together.

The door was then opened by a knock.

“Whoever that is, I’m going to give them a piece of my mind,” my wife said with a deep sigh. I’m fed up with this.

I was now prepared to pray for whoever was at the front door, despite the fact that we had prayed for our lunch.

I have interrogated her on multiple occasions. It’s not pretty to look at. I was very worried about the people at the front door because she has enough brain power to help many people.

“Whoever you are, I don’t care. What you’re selling is irrelevant to me. I do not want it, and I want you to leave immediately and never return.”

She then closed the door and left the room.

Who opened the door?

“I don’t know, but I gave them a piece of my mind,” she said after giving me a simple glance.

I was trying not to let it come to the surface for any recognition, but underneath I was laughing.

I asked with as much seriousness as I could muster, “Are you sure that you gave them the right piece of your mind?”

“What do you mean?” she simply asked me.

“Are you certain that you did not give them your left mind?”

“No, I’m saving that piece for you,” she replied after finally grinning.

I wasn’t smiling inside, just on the outside. It meant a lot to me that she had something special in mind for me, but I don’t know what it will be or when it will come my way.

In this way, I was thinking of the Bible. And “do also to them what you would have men do to you” (Luke 6:31).

This, in my opinion, is challenging for numerous reasons. I can rely on God to empower me to carry this out for his glory and honor.

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