I am no longer sixteen

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I am no longer sixteen



I really do not know my age because I have celebrated so many birthdays throughout my life. Only that I am one year older than I was last year is all I know. If it weren’t for paperwork, I wouldn’t be able to remember when my life began. While many people place a high value on numbers, I believe that a number is just a number.

I wish I could go back to being 16 once more as I look forward to another birthday. As the saying goes, those were the good old days.

I wasn’t very aware of what was going on in the world when I was 16 years old. Until the assassination of President J.F. Kennedy, we did not have television. Dad needed a television to keep up with the events.

I didn’t have a computer, cell phone, video game console, or anything like that. In point of fact, I was on my own.

When I was 16 years old, I was really impressed that I could get a driver’s license and drive a car. The fact that I didn’t have enough money to buy a car meant that I had to borrow my father’s vehicle whenever it was convenient for him, which was disappointing. Oh, how I miss those times.

When I was 16, I thought I was an adult. At this point, no one could direct me in any direction. I was in charge.

I at least thought I was in charge. Nevertheless, I was still enrolled in high school, and for some reason, my teachers were under the impression that they were in charge of the class. How little were they aware of?

Before I realized I wasn’t really in charge of my class, I was sent to the principal’s office five times.

I also started to realize how expensive it is to take control of your life. Everything was paid for by my parents before I turned 16 years old. But now that I’m 16 years old, that source of income is gone.

“Son, you’re 16 now, and you are in charge of your life,” my father once told me.

I was now free to do whatever I wanted, and I smiled profusely across my face.

“Now that you are 16 years old, you’re going to have to pay for your things,” said my father, who wasn’t done with me yet.

I didn’t know what he meant at the time, but I shook my head vigorously and smiled, ready to take on the world and be my own boss. I was so eager to begin living a life where I was in charge.

I stopped and asked my father, “Dad, I need some money for lunch today,” as I was getting ready to go to school the following day.

“I thought you were in control of your life?” my father asked me as he looked at me.

“I’m in charge of my life, dad; I’m in charge.

My father explained, “Then that means you must pay for your own lunch.” When you are in charge, you are responsible for paying for what you have.”

I stood there glaring at him as he turned around and left. I was unaware that being in charge meant I was responsible for all costs. He could have provided me with a more thorough explanation of that.

In order to attend a baseball game on a Saturday, I needed to borrow my father’s vehicle. Dad, may I borrow your vehicle so that I can attend my baseball game this afternoon?

My father replied, “You certainly can,” adding, “By the way, the car is low on gas, so you’ll have to put gas in the car.”

I started to feel differently about being in control of my life. I had no idea how expensive my life was. I had to find a job now to pay for everything and run my own business.

Before I turned 16, I didn’t realize how wonderful my life was for a long time. I think I would have spent more money on my dad’s credit card if I had known that.

I calmed down after celebrating my 16th birthday and came to the realization that life is really hard and that getting older is not for sissies. In addition, it costs a lot.

I was under the impression that everything was free, that I could do whatever I wanted, and that there would be no responsibility.

When I turned 16, everything changed.

When I turned 16 as well, I realized that I did not know everything I thought I knew. A person doesn’t know exactly what they don’t know when they think they know everything.

Since turning 16 years old, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of knowing what you don’t know. You’re missing out on a lot of life if you think you know everything.

I came across the Bible verse that has become my life verse shortly after turning 16. With all your heart, put your faith in the Lord; and don’t rely on your own knowledge. Recognize him in all ways, and he will direct your paths. 5–6 in Proverbs 3:

I can see, looking back, that not trusting in the Lord is pointless. However, when I encounter things that go beyond my comprehension and experience, God steps in.

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