I can’t eat enough ice cream

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I can’t eat enough ice cream



I didn’t realize until the week was over that it had been one of those busy weeks.

It was one of those sneaky crashes that happened at dinnertime on Friday night. Unfortunately, however, the entire week’s energy had been pushing us both forward, and we were forced to continue moving forward.

I don’t know about other people, but until the push is over, I don’t know I’m being pushed. Additionally, Friday is the day for push accounting.

We had both exhausted ourselves to the limit, so dinner was quiet. After that, something happened during the week, and just when we thought we were caught up, we fell behind.

Sometimes you have no choice but to fall behind and it can sneak up on you and catch you off guard.

I had reached an equilibrium point. This is enough; Let’s move on with our lives.

There are some things in life that you can’t get enough of, and there are others that you can have too much of. Imagine if we could select one at will.

I had stuffed myself, as I always do, after that evening’s meal, which was quite delicious. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, not I, is to blame for my overindulgence in food. I wouldn’t eat as much if she weren’t so good at cooking. She is to blame for everything.

She suggests that I need to be a little bit more careful about what I eat. Ha, disciplined with my food choices? Who has ever heard of something so bizarre? Because she might conclude that I think she is crazy, I don’t tell her that it’s crazy. I do, but I do not wish for her to be aware of it.

We had just settled in to watch something on the television when we realized that the wonderful dinner was over. I enjoy watching those mysteries, but watching them with my wife is difficult for me. Before the first scene is over, she knows what will happen.

What exactly is the mystery behind that?

My wife got up during the commercial break of the mystery movie, asking, “Would you have any room for ice cream?” about halfway through.

Would I be able to fit ice cream in? I am never too full to eat another bowl of IC, and I can never have too much.

I have an excessive amount of many things, but they are not IC.

I once replied, “My favorite is the one I’m eating at the time,” when someone inquired about my favorite food. I have never been disappointed by an ice cream bowl.

Therefore, I did not even respond with “What kind of ice cream do you have?” when my wife asked if I would like some ice cream. That is not something I have to say. “I’ll have as much ice cream as you can stuff into that bowl” is what I do say.

In the freezer, we always have a sufficient supply. We typically have plenty of ice cream on hand because my wife is always looking for the Buy One, Get One deal.

I was contemplating the ice cream I would indulge in at the end of a long, exhausting day not too long ago. A good bowl of ice cream is the one thing that helps me relax the most.

The meal was over; After settling into my comfortable chair, I asked, “Honey, I really could use some ice cream tonight.” The day has been so long and exhausting.”

I asked, “Can I have some ice cream?” because I hadn’t heard back from her.

The gracious parsonage mistress then informed me.

“We’ve run out of ice cream,” she said in the most derogatory tone possible.

Those are the most offensive words ever spoken in our parsonage. The most stressful part of the week is running out of ice cream. How can there ever be enough ice cream?

She provided me with an explanation by stating that Publix did not hold the typical Buy One, Get One sale this week. As a result, she was watching the sale progress.

I sat there and wondered how on earth I could get through a day without eating ice cream at the end.

I can live without a lot of things in this world. Broccoli is the first item on that list. Even the appearance of that so-called vegetable irritates me. Contrary to my wife’s ideas, I don’t even consider it a real vegetable.

Ice cream is not on my extensive list of things I can’t live without.

Only the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage knows how I would get through the night without my ice cream.

They only know what you like and value when it isn’t available. After that, you start to realize how valuable that item is.

The Old Testament verse that kind of focuses on this idea came to mind. Yes, they are avaricious dogs who will never be satisfied, and they are shepherds who are unable to comprehend: According to Isaiah 56:11, “they all look to their own way, each for his gain, from his quarter.”

We can never have enough when greed takes control. Then our greed takes control of us.

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