Everything be well!

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Everything be well!



He advised me to reduce staff at the office shortly after my son moved to Medicine Hat and began working in my private practice. He was astonished when he discovered an envelope in one of the boxes, and I will never forget it. “Mark’s First Haircut” was written by me on the front. “It can’t be,” was his response. My hair wasn’t really saved by you for over four decades!”

Naturally, I did!

We had a pile of “treasures” from his youth in a matter of minutes, including notes he had written in a fifth-grade sex education class and various forms of art. Simple were my instructions to him. “These things belong to you,” I declared. I would like you to take them home with you, and you should never, ever tell me what you did with them. Basically, I thought he might not value them as much as I had.

Firsts are significant and frequently involve feelings. Consider your first bike, first day of school, and first kiss as examples. Do you recall the moment you received your first paycheck, opened a bank account, or made a significant purchase?

Which color was your first automobile? Who was your first date’s name? Also, where did you all go?

Because they lead you on new adventures, firsts are an extremely important part of life. However, firsts also stand for the future, present, and past. When you have a first, you give up something, like your youth, innocence, or safety. It indicates that you have a brand-new present experience that enables you to develop skills and perspectives. Additionally, it indicates that you will preserve memories for later use.

Firsts can be wonderful and treasured forever. Other firsts can be awkward or painful. However, they all assist us in learning and development.

Well, there are so many firsts this week that make it very special. Today is a brand-new day in a brand-new month, year, and decade!

What are your plans for this? Will you set aside some time to reflect on the past and take note of what you’ve seen and done? Are you going to relax and express gratitude for the many experiences you’ve had and the fact that today marks the beginning of new beginnings? It’s possible that you’re contemplating your goals for the future.

“You have a brand-new scribbler with brand-new pages so you can write anything you want in it,” I would always say to my children the day before school.

Life never changes. Imagine for a moment that you have a brand-new scribbler with brand-new pages on which you can write anything you want.

Will you write anything? How do you plan to live? What will you do to change the world?

Because you own these firsts, you choose!

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