Online English instruction

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Online English instruction



Consider teaching English online if you are looking for a new source of income that you can earn from your computer during and after the pandemic. You shouldn’t have an accent and should speak English fluently or with an excellent command of its grammar. Schools are looking for enthusiastic individuals who can quickly develop a positive rapport with their students, whether in small groups or one-on-one settings.


Around the world, there is a huge market for teaching English online. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are working on 30-45-minute lessons with overseas students at any given time. A computer with a webcam, Skype, and a headset with a microphone are all you need, other than good English. You can even begin with nothing more than a computer, free Skype, and your computer’s audio system.


Early birds will be particularly interested in this. The majority of students study online after school in China and South Korea. You might be teaching from 6:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. because of the difference in time zones. Can you cope with that? Additionally, they study on weekends, so Friday and Saturday evenings (6:00 p.m. to 0:00 p.m., your time) may also be options.


Up to $22 to $24 US per hour can be paid to online teachers (directly into your local bank account). You could earn up to $400-500 US per week by teaching four hours a day, and your work day would be over by 10:00 a.m., leaving you with the rest of the day to yourself.


In my book Teaching English Online, I cover everything you need to know about setting up a corner in your home, finding work, getting paid, and everything else. In either paperback or Kindle format, it is available worldwide on Amazon websites. Amazon’s ASIN is B0863SB1Q7.


Because of the pandemic, both domestic and international schools have been affected, which has led to an increase in the popularity of online instruction. You would need to be licensed in your state or province to teach locally online.


You don’t have to have teaching credentials to teach students in other countries. While a degree is always preferred, many positions only require a TEFL certificate. If the need exceeds the number of applicants, some agencies may even accept applicants without a TEFL Certificate; however, having one opens up many more opportunities and better pay. Additionally, it looks good on your CV or resume.


Check out my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course if online teaching interests you. Schools immediately notice that you are a serious and knowledgeable applicant if you have a TEFL Certificate.


I know a lot of people who enjoy traveling. They instruct from any location in the world. They are able to pay for their travel expenses with this income. They adore teaching nomadic people. That can wait until after travel restrictions are removed.

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