I cherish my flaws

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I cherish my flaws



I value my flaws, unlike most people; I don’t have a lot of trouble with those flaws that I have.

I am aware that the majority of people enjoy focusing on their perfections in order to impress others. But what about people like me who can’t brag about their perfections? If I had one perfection, I would talk about it all the time. And that would quickly become rather tedious.

Some people attempt to conceal their flaws out of shame. They believe that their flaws bring them down for some reason. As a result, they do everything in their power to conceal their flaws from everyone in the hope that no one will ever find out about them.

I tried for a long time to do that myself. Then there came the day when I understood that the vast majority could see past my façade and see my defects.

There are probably dozens of flaws in each person for every perfection they possess. However, since I am incapable of imagining any form of perfection, the most reasonable thing for me to do is to focus on my flaws.

Yes, there was a time when I did not consider myself to have any flaws. This is how bachelors think. I didn’t realize I had so many flaws until after I got married. There was no reason to believe I did.

I thought I was the perfect person with amazing skills and talent before I got married. Today, from my point of view, I was definitely deceived about those fictitious perfections I thought I possessed.

One of the major benefits of getting married is this. A person is on the verge of disaster if they only focus on the perfections they have in their life and are unaware of any flaws. I suppose that’s why I got married when I was younger.

My cousin is attractive and diligently works at it, but she is preoccupied with her perfections. For instance, she is intense about her appearance, particularly her skin. When I meet her, all I have to do is inquire, “Is that a new wrinkle on your face that I see?”

She will laugh, but I am aware that she will quickly vanish to attempt to fix that wrinkle in a few minutes. Her goal is to have wrinkle-free skin on her face. So, I ask myself, how is that going?

She doesn’t understand that kinks are a confirmation that you are making something out of your life and you are developing. She, on the other hand, approaches it in a negative light.

When I was younger, I believed I was perfect in everything and knew everything. I remember how arrogant and boring that kind of life was.

How can I possibly grow as a person if all I have is perfection?

I am motivated to improve when I am reminded of a particular flaw in myself. If I’m perfect, I can’t get better, but if I’m not, I can. As a result, it took me some time to comprehend that.

When I think back on my life, I can appreciate all the areas of failure that I was able to overcome. If imperfection is so harmful, why have I survived so many?

I was able to comprehend my flaws thanks to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. She has discovered many flaws so far, and I have been working on some of them; I am sure she is not finished with her task.

“Son, you can’t fix everything,” my father used to say, is accurate. I feel a great deal of relief from all of my shortcomings as a result of knowing that.

Even though my wife has been very helpful in pointing out the parts of my life where I’m lacking, I’ve learned something very special. That seems to be her job as a wife to help her husband succeed. However, as a husband, that aspect of life is strictly prohibited.

You don’t think so? Okay, husbands, go tell your wife what’s wrong and how to fix it. Just relax; I’ll be nice to you at your funeral.

I have enjoyed my flaws over the years because I don’t let them bother me or even define me. What would I do next if I fixed everything that was wrong with me? Start addressing my wife’s flaws?

I recall when my defects out of nowhere meant close to nothing from my point of view. At that point, small children began to invade our home. Everything about me, including my perfections, vanished as soon as they started showing up. Everything now revolves around those young children, and I am so grateful for that. Everyone is focused on my children, while no one is paying attention to me.

I believe God gives us children for this reason. It draws attention away from us and toward those adorable, perfect preteens. God is so insightful in his actions.

I can’t help but think of a Scripture verse that talks about perfection whenever I think about it. Therefore, “be ye perfect, even as your Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).

My conception of perfection places it at the human level, but God’s standards are higher. My perfection must conform to our “Father in heaven.”

If I give my heart completely to God, my flaws won’t be a problem for him.

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