What Makes a Decent Quality Essayist?

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What Makes a Decent Quality Essayist?



In memory of Jane Yolen and Ray Bradbury, this article is dedicated.

Writing something that is, by definition, difficult is what a good writer does. He puts your ideas or beliefs to the test. He challenges your vocabularies and individual history.

He questions our familiar morality. He challenges our linearity. He challenges our fundamental concepts of language.

Readers gain knowledge or wisdom from a good writer. He supports your personal development. He assists you in deepening your connection to yourself. He reveals something truthful.

Something wonderful or artistic is created by a skilled writer. He writes something significant or meaningful. He helps you get through the world.

An excellent writer is self-aware. He can be irritating at times. You can’t stop considering his points of view. He brings back memories of summer, home, pets, and county fairs. He causes ear pain. He determines your heart’s boundaries. He speaks from the convictions he holds. He tells the truth about a story. You stay young with his stories.

He does not know grammar. He is enticing.

You will be forever altered by a great writer. His characters are heard.

You are lifted above the everyday world by his stories. His writing is lovely and limpid.

He lets you know confidential. He will be the subject of your conversations at the bus stop. You dream about him coming to you. He assists you in finding your voice.

He is the ideal administrator. the ideal journalist. the ideal news anchor.

He documents our time. He contemplates our future. He violates the law.

He constantly asks, “What if…?” He mixes love.

He takes you into the clearing, where the magician appears, for you to follow. The magician is him. He is a physician.

He typically writes while surrounded by one or more cats.

He teaches you to be open to trying new things and associations on your own.

Your grandmother is a great writer.

His heart and gut are as wise as his brain. You pay attention to the great author. He assists you in resolving issues and dilemmas.

He’s a good friend. He has wit. He can be strange and odd at times. However, just for fun.

He never makes you tired. He exhibits rather than explains. You get a full-fledged experience from him. He is energetic, vital, and dynamic.

Through his thoughts, feelings, and words, you will form an ever-evolving mental picture of the world.

He helps you distinguish between the two words. You get a real-life experience from him. He does not attempt to reach a consensus.

He undoubtedly offers you a satisfying experience.

As a result, he or she makes you gasp.

In other words, they rock your world!

Marco Antonio Bomfoco has had a lifelong interest in languages and storytelling, and he is an ardent proponent of high-quality education for all students. He resides in the south of Brazil.

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