Do some people’s upbringings prepare them to be at ease with both hot and cold behavior?

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Do some people’s upbringings prepare them to be at ease with both hot and cold behavior?




If a person has been in a situation where their romantic relationships have not been very satisfying, they may discover that their tendency is to end up with people who are anything but consistent and reliable. If this is the case, then it indicates that they have been around a lot of people who are hot one moment and cold the next.

Being with someone like this is likely to drain them deeply, making it difficult for them to concentrate on other aspects of their lives. One may wonder what they can do to alter this aspect of their life after considering how destructive it is.

One Possibility: They could investigate their options for finding someone different. If this occurs, it may indicate that the individual is of the opinion that they haven’t found the ideal partner with whom to share their life.

Since there will be little else a person can do to alter their life, they will need to be lucky. They might be under the impression that if they go out at the right time or sign up for a dating app, they will eventually meet someone who is different from them.

Nothing new

Following half a month or months, one could meet somebody and this individual could have all the earmarks of being different to all the others. However, it may soon become apparent that this individual is the same as everyone else they have ever been with.

One could then wind up seeing themselves as a casualty and feel exceptionally low thus. They will then be prevented from altering this aspect of their life by something or someone outside of them.

Stuck On the other hand, a person may discover that, despite being with someone who is unreliable and inconsistent, it is impossible for them to break up with them. After that, one will be with a person they don’t want to be with, and they won’t be able to leave.

They will be trapped there by something within them, causing them pain along the way. This demonstrates that one will experience internal conflict and that the part of them that wants to leave will not be the strongest.

A Peculiar Situation

One is had the option to make a stride back and to ponder what is happening, they might battle to comprehend the reason why one piece of them would feel good seeing someone this. Mentally, it will clear that be with this individual isn’t serving them.

To the profound piece of them, nonetheless, being with somebody like this will be something that has a solid sense of security. They will learn from this that their emotional side is much more powerful than their mental side.

What is taking place?

One part of them may want to be with a healthy person, but another part may not, depending on what happened at the beginning of their lives. It’s possible that this was a time in their lives when they were also raised by people who were inconsistent and unreliable.

This would mean that a person would not have received the kind of care they need to grow up properly. In the end, their caregivers would have taught them to feel at ease around someone who can’t really be there for them.

A Tough Time; similarly to how they will not know where they stand in a relationship; They would not have been aware of their position with either of their caregivers. They might have been there for them at one point and then vanished at another.

It’s possible that promises were frequently made, but they were rarely kept. They wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it, but this wouldn’t have been good for their growth.

A Dysfunctional Meaning They would have interpreted this behavior as love if they had been treated in this manner year after year. Therefore, for their unconscious mind, it will be normal for them to be with someone who evokes memories of how they were treated as children.

In view of this, what is occurring at a more profound level should change to be attracted to similar individuals. It’s possible that these early experiences also encouraged them to believe they are unlovable.

Awareness If someone can relate to this and wants to make a change in this part of their life, they may need support from outside sources. With the assistance of a therapist or healer, this is something that can be provided.

During this time, one will likely have to scrutinize the convictions that they have shaped and they might be conveying close to home injuries that should be mended. This part of their life will change over time, but if they are patient and persistent, it will happen.

Oliver JR Cooper is an English educator, author, consultant, and prolific writer. All aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness, are covered in his insightful commentary and analysis. Oliver provides sound advice and hope with over two thousand two hundred in-depth articles on human psychology and behavior.

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