Relationships: Is it possible for someone to break up with themselves as a result of childhood trauma?

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Relationships: Is it possible for someone to break up with themselves as a result of childhood trauma?



The ideal person in a relationship will be able to express their true self and be in touch with who they are. They will have changed as a result of being this way, but it will not have led them to abandon themselves.

As a result, they won’t appear to have changed completely when they are with the people they care about. If these people are observant, they might pick up a few differences, but that might be about it.

A Healthy Position When they are in touch with who they are, they will be able to act like themselves rather than as their partner’s extension. As a result, they won’t always agree with their partner’s opinions and there will be disagreements from time to time.

This may be viewed negatively by some individuals. This is because a person like this might be in a relationship in which they never argue and rarely, if ever, disagree.

A Defense What this probably demonstrates is that one or both of them are afraid of conflict, which is why their relationship appears to be harmonious. Therefore, it is likely that what is taking place is nothing more than a ruse.

There is probably a lot of baggage beneath the image they project to others and how they see the world. There may be a lot of resentment and anger, and before long, some of this material might get out and cause a lot of issues.

Another Part: When there is conflict, it is important to be respectful when you open up to your partner. not to blame them or point the finger at them, but rather to simply convey their thoughts.

This will be an essential component of what enables one to remain connected to who they are and to preserve their individuality, despite the fact that it may not always be comfortable. They will also be able to stay connected to the relationship and help it grow and develop more easily if they express themselves.

Two parts: When they express who they are and connect with their needs and feelings, it will show that they value and respect themselves. What it will likewise show is that acting in this manner has a good sense of reassurance.

They will be able to “be themselves” in a relationship if they have these two elements in place. It’s possible that these two parts have always existed.

Another Reality While experiencing life in this manner may be regarded as ideal because it will enable a person to actually participate in a relationship, there will undoubtedly be a significant number of people who do not. When someone finds themselves in this predicament, it can be normal for them to lose themselves in a relationship.

As a result, they won’t be able to express who they are and will end up disconnecting from their needs and feelings. They won’t be physically separated from their partner, but that’s about it.

A Natural Process They won’t think to themselves, “Right, now that I’m with someone, I will lose myself and become someone else,” because this is not the case. No, this most likely takes place unconsciously, and as a result, they may not even be aware of what is happening.

Their priorities will be acting in accordance with what their partner says and what they think they want. They will undoubtedly have developed the ability to merge with and tune into the reality of their partner.


This is the sort of thing that can happen without their accomplice in any event, monitoring what is happening. It would be easy to say that this must demonstrate their partner’s lack of perceptiveness; however, it can also demonstrate one’s ability to deceive others.

They can accomplish this by presenting the impression that they are content with the situation and its progression. They will keep their partner and themselves in the dark about the information inside them, including their genuine needs and feelings.

What’s happening?

It is likely to come down to the fact that this is simply what feels safe if this is indeed how someone acts in the beginning and throughout a relationship. They will face difficulties as a result of losing themselves, but on a deeper level, they will view it as necessary for survival.

If seen through the eyes of an adult who is fully grown, this may be difficult to believe. This may show that their early years were extremely difficult, and even though many years have passed, they won’t have truly moved on from that time in their lives.

A Closer Look Maybe they were abused and neglected on a weekly, if not daily, basis at this time in their lives. As a result, it wouldn’t have been safe for them to be in their body and connect with their needs and feelings.

Instead, they would have had to live in their heads and disconnect from their bodies. Not only would it be too painful to be in their body, but also to be in their head would have allowed them to be extremely aware of what was going on around them and to focus on the needs of their caregivers; They could have alleviated some of their suffering by doing either of these things.

Awareness They wouldn’t have received the love, attention, and affection they needed to grow up properly. Their energetic boundaries would not have been established because they would have been traumatized into living in a state of disembodiedness.
In the event that one can connect with this, and they need to completely change them, they might have to connect for outside help. With the assistance of a therapist or healer, this is something that can be provided.

Oliver JR Cooper is an English author, transformational writer, teacher, and consultant. All aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness, are covered in his insightful commentary and analysis. Oliver offers sound advice and hope with over two thousand five hundred in-depth articles on human psychology and behavior.

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