Who Is More Creative and Intelligent? a man or a woman?

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Who Is More Creative and Intelligent? a man or a woman?



Who is more clever and intelligent? Which gender is it? The entire world has ever since asked this question. Researchers are of various sentiments. Male and female are both suggested.

But a Tamil poet by the name of Karmega kavignar has provided an appropriate response.

He has provided an answer to this question in the book “Kongu mandala sathakam.” The current Coimbatore region in Tamilnadu, India, is called Kongu mandalam. There are one hundred verses in this sathakam that depict the splendor of this renowned region.
The poet recounts a true story from Sangagiri, a small city in the Kongu region, in verse 65.


Emperuman was a great poet who once lived there. He wrote a great work called “Takkai isai Ramayanam.” His name and fame spread to other parts of the world, and he became friends with many poets.


For useful literary discussion, they used to visit Karamega kavignar’s house.

His home was once visited by scholars as is customary. However, the poet was absent due to an urgent assignment.


By name, his wife Poongothai was extremely intelligent. She kept herself inside the house, and the scholars sat on the small front porch, as was customary in those days. They began conversing.


During the course of their conversation, one poet made the casual comment that even though the women are educated, one should not anticipate that they will mature. The other person stated that women generally lack intelligence. The third person claimed that they are only intended for child rearing and cooking.


Poongothai, who was inside the house’s front hall, listened to the entire discussion.

Poongothai heard all of these points. She immediately wrote a poem on a small palm leaf in Venba format, which is like prosody in Tamil, and sent it to the great debaters through a small child.


She wrote a poem, which was read aloud. “In reality, only females are more mature, and males are less intelligent and not very clever,” it stated. Are you aware that, oh, a woman only comprehends when she conceives? However, no one on earth could ever comprehend whether he was a boy or a girl.”


When they saw this profound poem, all of the poets were extremely shocked. They all gained a lot of insight from this poem.


They all suddenly burst into the hall, bowed to Poongothai, and apologized. They beg her for forgiveness.


When the great poet’s husband, Poongothai, entered the house, he found that all of his friends were sitting at his wife’s feet.


He found out what had taken place.


The news spread like wildfire and everyone praised the husband and wife.

When the King heard about it, he called on the poet and knelt before Poongoathai.


As a result, Poongothai gained a lot of notoriety, and the difficult question received an appropriate response.


In one of its verses, verse 30 of the classic Tamil work “Neeti Venba,” a perfect woman is defined as:


She will have a gold-like beauty. She’ll be as patient as the earth. She who has beautiful breasts will always assist her husband, acting like a learned minister, and will give her husband sexual satisfaction in the bed.


It’s true that women are wonderful and smarter than men!


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