Benefits of Vitamin D

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Benefits of Vitamin D



Benefits of Vitamin D Facts and Wonders Compulsory Readings for those who are aware that Vitamin D is limited to “Able to help bone absorption” Become a member of the Indonesian society that lives near the Equator, which has many advantages. However, the community has been shown to have a significantly higher risk than those who live in a country with four seasons.

Why not? Is it due to routine or lifestyle? Answer: Maybe, but there’s more to it than the hidup. mau pattern. What is it? Take a look at this number.


Until 1990, when they finally decided to start reviewing and looking for answers to the money, scientists were only able to know and assume that Vitamin D, which is produced by sunlight in tropical regions, was the cause.

And they were successful in uncovering facts and significant roles that had never occurred to the global community at the time.
What, then, are those? the description that follows.


Vitamin D’s protective effects against breast and colon cancer.


Cedric Garland, Ph.D., was used in the research project. Along with the University of California team, we demonstrate that vitamin D has a significant impact on the prevention of colon and breast cancer.


His explanation says that taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D every day can cut your risk of getting cancer by half.

According to Harvard Medical School, women who consume 800-1000 IU of vitamin D per day can reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 50%. This is consistent with the finding that high intakes of calcium and vitamin D can reduce breast cancer risk in premenopausal women, but not in menopausal women.

By maintaining health and preventing uncontrolled cells, vitamin D can prevent cancer.


Heart Disease Risk can be confused by Vitamin D’s benefits.


In 1996, a team of researchers from the United States discovered that people with lower blood levels of vitamin D (less than 15 grams per milligram) had a doubled risk of heart attack compared to people with higher blood levels of vitamin D (more than 15 grams per milligram nanogram).

Successful decision-making by 1700 volunteers, who average 59 years old.

Dr. Thomas Wang was in charge of the study, which has yet to reach a conclusion.


Benefits of Vitamin D to Prevent Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes In Finland, a study of 12,000 infants found that infants who got enough vitamin D were better able to prevent Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes than those who didn’t.

Because of this, giving babies vitamin D is highly recommended.
The portion is 8.5 micrograms/day for a multi month-old child.
The recommended daily dose for children ages 7 months to 3 years old is 7 micrograms.


What about the grownups? The findings of a 22-year study in the country of the Nokia mobile phone included volunteers ranging in age from 40 to 74 years old. These findings also revealed that the body’s concentration of vitamin D in men is higher than in women.


Evidence from this study’s findings that ultimately led to the answer. Women have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than men do.
However, the fact that vitamin D deficiency remains one of the risk factors for diabetes, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and alcohol consumption, and the prevalence of sweet foods remains a significant risk factor. the onset or recurrence of diabetes.


Increasing Stiffness of Tuberculosis (TB) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis kills 1.7 million people every year worldwide, with Salah Indonesia among the worst-kept secrets in the world.

A group of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles assisted in this rescue.

According to the findings of their research, taking vitamin D boosts the production of cathelicidin, a powerful antibiotic that kills tuberculosis-causing bacteria.


Vitamin D can lower asthma and allergy risk.
Keep in mind that vitamin D deficiency can raise asthma and allergy levels, so it’s important for pregnant women to get enough of it.


Asthma and allergies may be reduced by up to 40% with adequate vitamin D intake.

Harvard University researchers made this assertion public.


A lack of vitamin D can have a negative impact on the immune system and lungs, increasing the risk of asthma.

If you get enough vitamin D, you can use steroids to treat asthma better. This is on the grounds that Vitamin D can help The remainder of Steroids and discard so Asthma will recuperate quicker.


Benefits of Vitamin D to Prevent Pre-Eclampsia Pre-eclampsia is one of the most terrifying fears for pregnant women. What exactly is pre-eklamsia?

Pre-eclampsia is fetal mental retardation and premature birth.
Pre-eclampsia has not yet identified a definitive cause.
However, a study by University of Pittsburgh researchers found a link between pre-eclampsia and low vitamin D levels during early pregnancy.

Because it includes 219 pregnant women whose conditions of pregnancy are normal and 55 pregnant women who have Pre-Eclampsia, this statement absolutely does not apply to it.
According to the findings of the study, the level of hydroxy vitamin D in women whose pregnancies were normal was 53.1 nanomol / liter, whereas the level of hydroxy vitamin D in mothers suffering from preeclampsia was only 45.5 nanomol / liter.

Despite the fact that other facts have not been used in this study, vitamin D deficiency can also be a factor. Maintaining a sufficient vitamin D intake during pregnancy is crucial for pregnant women.


Vitamin D’s benefits can improve memory.


There may be a lot of Vitamin D Receptors in the structure of the tissue network in the brain. As a result, experts strongly believe that one of vitamin D’s important functions for the body is to enhance intelligence and memory.

Although research into how vitamin D works to improve brain neurons is still ongoing, it is clear that vitamin D played a significant role in assisting the DHA challenge and has been demonstrated to be effective for brain cells.


According to a previous study that was carried out by the Children’s Hospital and Research Center in the United States, children who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to exhibit behavior problems and develop mental health issues.

children today will become more susceptible to depression if these conditions are left unchecked.

The University of British Columbia is one of several international research institutes that followed up on this study’s findings.


Vitamin D or no, researchers there are searching for answers.
The world of health care.

lantas had high hopes for the results of the experts’ research, such as whether and how the results? We should Remain


Accordingly the conversation about realities and marvels Vitamin D is vital and renowned. might be helpful.


Advantages of Vitamin D

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