(5) ways to get rid of salt acne

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(5) ways to get rid of salt acne



Every time I look at it, the small pimples on my face are very annoying.


These small pimples are called salt pimples and they are caused by the accumulation of dead cells in the pores. Here are some ways to get rid of these things.





(1) Sugar


Add a little lemon juice to the sugar. Then apply the salve in circular motions. This method removes dead cells, so it will get rid of acne.


(2) Rice


Put some green rice in milk and let it soak for about 5 hours. After that, grind it until it is smooth and mix it until you get a yolk. After that, apply salt on the pimples.


(3) Honey


How to use honey for pimples is very easy and simple. Just apply some honey on the pimples and wash it off after 10 minutes.


(4) Aloe vera


Applying aloe extract on the pimples regularly can help them to clear up after a few days.


(5) Toothpaste


Take a small amount of toothpaste and apply it on the pimples and brush it with a toothbrush. If you do this method regularly, the salt acne will disappear.


Credit: Original Writer

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