How to get rid of nasal congestion in (15) minutes

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How to get rid of nasal congestion in (15) minutes



Everyone who experiences nasal congestion would like to get rid of this feeling.

6-Press the place between your two eyebrows






Press slowly and confidently for about a minute. This massage has this effect on your nose.

– Preventing your nose from drying out

– Having the ability to protect

– It can remove pressure from the front muscles.

5-Press your nose

Place your finger on either side of your nose. Push slowly with your middle finger for 1-2 minutes.

Doing this will help open up your nasal passages and your nose will open easily.

4-Massage the area between your nose and lips

Massage the area between your upper lip and nose for 2-3 minutes. This method will help open your nose.

3-Use a humidifier.

If the humidity in the air is less than 40 percent, the mucus in your nose will dry out and it will be difficult to breathe.

If there is a lot of snot and the air humidity is low, there is a possibility of serious bacterial spread. The ideal humidity is only 40 to 60 percent.

2- Keep your nose warm

Take warm clothes. You can put it in the microwave and warm it up, or you can soak it in hot water and warm it up.

It should be a comfortable temperature, not too hot. Nasal congestion will become snot. After warming up, either squeeze your nose or use nasal spray.

1-If you have a runny nose due to allergies, exercise.

If your heart rate gets faster after exercise, it will have a positive effect on your nasal secretions.

15 minutes of exercise will clear your allergies.

Writer-Min Thu (Daily Hot News)

Credit: DailyHotNews

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