House cancer Breast Cancer Great and cube for cardiovascular disease

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House cancer Breast Cancer Great and cube for cardiovascular disease



The shield is a common type of Burmese food that exists for the long time ago.


The shield is a very sour only two-year-old boys.









The big oil garlic, Pork, pork, and pork as they eat salads. They also eat with big fish and fish.

Also, It was a great day for me. The roots of the hills, There is also a lot of work in a huge noodle salad.

The shield was the above areas of Bagan, Nyaung Oo Start! The most popular areas of hosts are produced and exported all over the country.

It is available for exporting abroad. The huge is usually produced by soybeans.

It can also be produced with other pulses. It is as follows:

The first beauty was treated repeatedly to clean water. Then, a large bowl was put in a watery water and a water for a water.

When the beans are engineen, they take the beans. The liquid left in the pot is pouring it into the jar.

It usually takes 5 to 7 days for fermentation, and it can last longer.

When it comes to the pan and puts a large shot in the stove

When the fermentation green beans are red, it is compatible with the environment. When you break up, you need to mix through the pan.

When it is estimated that it is worth the right place when it comes to the right thing, the pan off on the oven. And then adds a ready-made fog or airtight pot

Depending on the duration of the fermentation, you can eat two types of taste and taste.

Many consumers prefer a large, tasteless mass. The huge taste is delicious. It can also be used as well as health.

The huge of the soybeans has the taste. In all kinds of protein, protein, protein. Lecithin; It also supports health as vitamins and miner.

The health benefits of the city are as follows: The protein that is in the hurrict helps to develop the body.

Create is the brain’s memory, Good thinking can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, it also reduces the bad fat (cholesterol), as it can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Constipation by ligger, It can make the gastrointestinal health health, so it can be soft and mild.

In the Great District, the species can prevent cancer cells to prevent cancer cells, and the skin can be reduced by the risk of breast cancer.

In the book of Book of Bo Hlaing wrote, in the book of Book of Bo Hlaing, the blood softness soft womb. He makes his lips. It is the food of the food. And the breeze is kind to it. Here are the benefits of the hil.

Therefore, it is an end to the advice. I would like to suggest that they often buy and eat different types of people in health.

Credit-Dr Thidar Nwe (ondoctor)

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