Medicinal images of radish

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Medicinal images of radish




60 ml to 90 ml of radish root in the morning. If you drink it every night, hemorrhoids will heal well.





Genito-Urinary Disorders


difficulty urinating; Urinary incontinence, Urinary tract infection For diseases such as urinary incontinence, drinking carrot juice helps. The way to treat beet leaves is to drink a glass of mineral water in a cup of tea every day. It cures all urinary diseases including cystitis.


Heart disease chest pain Chest Complaint


Chest pain due to heart attack It also relieves pain. The treatment method is to mix a teaspoon of beet root juice with honey and add a little salt. If you eat it three times a day, the heart It relieves all diseases related to the lungs.


Whooping cough for a hundred days Diseases such as chest pain, emphysema, broken voice It also relieves cracking of the voice.






Radish leaves are beneficial to relieve jaundice. Crush the leaves and strain through cheesecloth. For adults, add a little sugar to half a kilogram and drink regularly every day.


It’s a method of immediate relief. It is free from heat and putrefaction. Bile flow is free and cures jaundice.




It is said that if the seeds are made into yolk and applied, the conch shell disappears. Grind 35 grams of beetroot seeds into powder, mix it in vinegar and apply it on the white spots.


If you want it to be more effective, add a drop or two of arsenic to the vinegar overnight when grinding the seeds. After about two hours, radish leaves will appear. You can rub the white spots. It’s just an ointment.


Ulcers on the skin. Other skin disorder


When the radish seeds are crushed and become viscous, diluted with water, it can be applied to get rid of blemishes on the face. Acne Get rid of dry moles. In “Medicinal Secrets of Your Food” written by Dr. Aman, it is mentioned that it also suppresses acne.


Copied from the book “How to be healthy and beautiful with the properties of natural foods” written by the visionary.


Crd original writer: traditional medicine

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