Crack Neet 2020 With These Super Helpful Tips

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So, you are looking for tips on how you can crack neet in 2020. Well, you are at the right place.

If you are looking forward to appearing in neet 2020 attempt then most probably you are in 11th standard right now. Which means you have plenty of time to prepare for neet 2020.

It’s good that you have realized that there is plenty of time to prepare and not to waste. So, let’s dive into the question, how to crack neet 2020?

Cracking neet 2020 is as hard as cracking any year’s neet exam, but students preparing for the 2020 attempt have the time advantage.

For Feb 2020 attempt students have got 18 months to prepare and for May attempt, 21 months. I would suggest appearing in both the attempts as your best score, out of the both, will be considered as your neet score.

Now, you may have been advised to focus on your school studies first and leave neet preparation for the later. By later I mean, maybe in 2019 or taking a whole year break to prepare for neet.

If you have already decided to drop a year to prepare for neet then I would suggest reading this post further, you might need to think about it twice after you finish reading this.

Let me tell you the benefit of neet preparation without dropping a year or should I say with your school.

As I have mentioned the plan in my previous post on how to prepare for neet:

1. Prepare chapters/study from NCERT.

2. Watch video lectures if you are preparing online for neet or take your class if you are it offline.

3. Solve at least 100 test series for neet for each chapter of chemistry and physics, and 200 question from each chapter in biology.

While you study from NCERT in your school, you are simultaneously preparing for neet cause the syllabus of CBSE Board matches exactly with NEET syllabus.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You have got follow a schedule and to do so you have to make one. It’s very important to make a study schedule for neet exam if you intend to have positive results.

This will help you a lot in saving a whole year.

If you haven’t started preparing for neet yet, you better start it. Considering Feb 2020 attempt as a target, you have 78 weeks to prepare which means weekly you need to give 20-22 hours to your studies.

3-4 hours needs to be devoted for daily study. Even if you complete one chapter per week it will be enough for better preparation.



After the latest announcement on neet eligibility criteria 2019 by NTA, you should keep an eye on syllabus too.
Moreover, with the objective to clear the neet exam, it’s important to know about the complete syllabus, so that you only focus on something which is required to crack the exam.


As we discussed the study timetable for neet above, time management is the key to follow that schedule.

Managing time can even help you spare some ME TIME as well. In which you can do what you like or what your hobbies are or anything that refreshes you.


Neglecting any topic just because you find it hard to understand is a big ‘no-no’. You should focus even more on those topics and get the doubts cleared.

There are chances that basic questions from the topic, you left unstudied, appear in the exam. So, it’s important you at least know the basics of each and every chapter of the neet exam syllabus.


Practice makes the man perfect, and the more you practice with the test papers the more you get yourself ready for the actual exam.

In today’s world, everything is online and it’s too easy to find neet online test series for practice. Solving test papers also help in evaluating your performance.

Try comparing the test you solve with the previous one. This will help in reducing the chances of committing mistakes and the increased will also motivate you.


Mistakes are the best teacher. Try making a note which contains the mistakes you made in the tests. After a certain period of time, you will end up having a number of mistakes which you should avoid doing in exams.

Regularly review your mistakes so that you learn from them and not commit them in the exam.


Making class notes and reviewing them after the class is one of the best practices for exam preparation. Students tend to remember the longest what they write while taking the class.

Revise later from the notes. This smart revision technique will save your time and boost your confidence for the exam.


Have confidence in yourself. The positive attitude will lead you towards strong preparation and strong preparation will lead you to positive results.

Self-belief is the key to success.


These changes may arise a doubt about your neet preparation that whether to focus on preparation or not. But I would suggest not to do that.
Changes will come and go, just don’t focus on that.

Make sure you choose the best coaching to study cause you don’t have time to have any options, just pick the best. There are a number of options available in the market, both online and offline, but I would suggest you consider online coaching.

Online coaching for neet saves a lot of your time and money, not just that they also have the experts to teach for which you need to pay 2-3 lacs as tuition fee.

So, choose your coaching course wisely.

If you have a dream to become a Doctor then take it seriously. Work hard for that, be honest to your goals, be consistent.

All the Best!

If you are planning to prepare for neet exam I can help you with your neet preparation. Prepare for neet online with NEETPrep.

India’s leading platform for neet online coaching.

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